Writer Buddies

Do you have any writer buddies?

As a writer, I think you really need writer buddies. A fellow writer who knows what it’s like to slog through a manuscript fifteen times. Or stay up all night debating the point of view of your main character. Or whether or not to use exclamations marks in internal dialogue (DONT! SERIOUSLY!).

I met with my writer friend for happy hour the other day, as we are known to do once a month. J and I are both attending the PNWA Conference coming up next week. We commiserated over anxiety and potential workshops to take. We laughed over people’s responses to learning that you write novels (“You wrote a novel? Why isn’t it published?”).

It’s great to have a sympathetic ear and built-in beta reader for your writing career. I know it helps me work through my writing problems, insecurities and of course, writers block. I highly recommend it. If you are interested in writing, or if you’ve been going it alone at your desk, might I suggest visiting a local writers group? Find one online and go. Just go. Don’t think – do it. You won’t regret it.

A representative LOL cat: