PNWA Day 1

Today is day one of PNWA and I totally forgot my sandwich. J and I are sitting at our sign up desk and I’m pilfering her candy.

We opened the doors at 9 am, and that was crazy. I mean, CRAZY.

“Please stand behind the line. Hi, sir? Please stand behind the line. Sir?”

Sigh. Somehow J and I were asked to play bouncers in the sign up room for pitch appointments. People had to sign up for the time they wanted, which of course leads to lots of impatient foot tapping and line pusher uppers.

“Get behind the freakin line and wait your turn! I’m looking at you!”

I wonder who that could have been 😉

Anywho, now it’s calm and quiet, and Jen and I are signing up the stragglers for their appointments.

We’re also slashing perfecting our pitches for tomorrow. Fingers crossed!