Book Review – Seven Minutes in Heaven, by Sara Shepard

The Lying Game #6: Seven Minutes in Heaven


What’s it about? This is the FINAL conclusion and sixth book of the Lying Game series by Sara Shepard. Who killed Sutton Mercer, the prettiest and most popular girl in school? Will he or she frame Emma for the murder? Or will Emma end up dead, just like her twin?

Should you read it? If you’ve read the other five books, then you must of course read this book. We finally get all of the answers to the questions that made us pull our hair out for the last five books. I’m impressed Ms. Shepard was able to parlay this story in to six books, but apparently her uber-popular Pretty Little Liars series is sixteen or eighteen books, so this isn’t too bad 😉 Overall, a fun and exciting romp into a murder mystery set in the rich suburbs of Phoenix.

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