Dancing in my cube

Is it just me? Be honest. Do you dance in your cubicle?

I find more and more often that I’m listening to music on my headphones, jamming to the beat that no one else can here. At Acme Co. we have tall cubicle walls, so no one really sees me. I’m weaving and bobbing to the music, hoping that the guy across the hall doesn’t notice. Sorry, Mark.

If you’ve never danced in your cubicle before, you should really try it. I won’t tell. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Dancing in my cube

  1. Anne

    How have I not noticed the dancing? I fully admit I’ll bop to the music and mouth the lyrics to certain songs (can someone say moskau?).

  2. D.C.C. Mealy Post author

    I would have been sure you would hear me moving around! I totally try not to sing along. I think once or twice I might have been doing it and everyone is too nice to tell me. Chammillionaire Dance Party!

    Moskau! LOL.

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