Sandwich (Ode to Liz Lemon)

β€œCan I share with you my worldview? All of humankind has one thing in common: the sandwich. I believe that all anyone really wants in this life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich.”

Oh, Liz Lemon – you fictional siren of Geekdom. Who of us geeky girls has not stuffed a sandwich into our face between meetings or other important events?

What simple things in life make you happy? For Liz Lemon, it’s sitting in peace and eating a sandwich. What’s your metaphorical sandwich? Or is it literally a sandwich?

My “sandwich” is writing. Sometimes, I wish I could just be left alone (sorry ACME Co.) and write. Sometimes I just want a sandwich. Really, it depends if I’ve eaten recently or not.

But the point still stands that the simple things in life are usually the best. The chance to eat a sandwich, write your story your way, or hang out with your family. Thank you, Lemon. You are an inspiration to all of us.

30 Rock Rocks! Buy the series now!

Also, FYI, I ate a Banh mi sandwich today for lunch. It’s a Vietnamese sandwich filled with grilled pork, sliced veggies and cilantro. It’s delightful.

Exhibit A:

If you have a chance to try one, do it! You won’t be sorry.

4 thoughts on “Sandwich (Ode to Liz Lemon)

  1. Anne

    My sandwich is nutella. Mack is convinced I’d eat it on dirt I love it so much. Trying to cut back on it since I’ve gained a pant size from all my happiness eating. πŸ˜‰

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