The Pledge – Kimberly Derting

The Pledge

The Pledge, by Kimberly Derting

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What’s it about? The Pledge is a dystopic future novel about Charlaina (or Charlie as we come to know her), who lives in a world where languages divide social classes. People of lower classes are forbidden from speaking or understanding other languages, and if they are caught doing so, will be put to death.

Charlie has a unique gift that she’s been hiding since birth – the ability to understand and speak any language. She meets a handsome young soldier who speaks a language she’s never heard of and is intrigued. Who is he? What language is he speaking, and why hasn’t she heard it before? Rebellion is a-brewin’ in the Kingdom and Charlie becomes caught in the middle. Will the evil Queen find her, and her miraculous abilities? Will her handsome soldier help her, or is he in on it all along?

Should you read it? Yes! I met Kim Derting at PNWA and she was so nice, I just had to buy the book. I had already been hearing such good things about it, and I can say I was pleasantly surprised. Beautiful writing, great use of world-building – I was entertained from beginning to end. Charlie is a believable, exciting character who you can really get behind. I also loved the creepiness of the Queen (check out that prologue, wow!). What a unique take on an evil queen.

Something unusual about this book is that it is a standalone book, and not part of a series (right? I don’t see other plans for another one…). It was so refreshing to finish a book and have actual closure that I could barely contain myself.

Should you read it? Yes! A great dystopic read that has a satisfying, one-book story arch. Loved it!

Buy it now!

2 thoughts on “The Pledge – Kimberly Derting

  1. Pingback: Book Review – The Essence, by Kim Derting – Prologue - DCC Mealy

  2. Heidi Smith

    I just finished this book (after reading your review) and loved it! Reminded me a little bit of Cinder – WHICH IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES! Thanks for the review.

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