Outlines – The Least Un-Sexy Writing

Hi all-

I’m working on a new book. Usually, I get some sort of crazy scene in my head, hurry off to the computer, and pound out the first few pages of my next book. I begin outlining (and that’s a generous use of the term) after I have a main character that I’ve fallen in love with and have written scenes with him or her in it.

This time, it’s different. I will no longer be bound by funky plot loose ends, characters who need to be added or deleted, or scenes that go nowhere. No, dear reader. I’m following the rules this time.

I’m outlining.

Like, a real outline. The kind they tell you to do, over and over, in conferences, in college and on the internet. It’s not like I have no idea what I’m doing. This will be my fifth (unpublished) novel, and I do have a degree in English, Creative Writing. I should know better. I really, really should.

So here I go. I’ve spent the past few weeks (during naptime) beginning a real honest-to-goodness outline that includes world-building elements, character sketches, plot outlines and more. I’ve even begun a dictionary of definitions for my worlds.

Now, all I need is a map! Just kidding, LOL. Ha ha.

Here it is! Okay maybe this is just a map of Middle Earth near the end of the Third age. Maybe I do have to make a map of my worlds…

Oh! There’s a clue! Worlds. Plural.


Here I go.