Donald Maass at PNWA Conference 2012

Hi all!

I’m so tired I can’t believe it, but day one is over. We finished the day with a speech by Donald Maass, an agent and author of Writing the Breakout Novel. This is a fantastic book about writing. Check it out!

J and I both liked his talk. I thought it was the best presentation I had seen all day. “Write your story like it matters, and it will matter.” His theme was writing in the 21st century, and writing to change the world. Sounds hokey, but I got a little misty 😉 It was a fantastic speech.

So I’m packing my lunch, repacking by bag, and getting ready for tomorrow. My first pitch session is tomorrow, so wish me luck! I’m crossing my fingers, toes, eyes and heart for someone to ask to see it.

Now it’s time for some Big Bang Theory and sleep before our morning session. These thirteen hour days are brutal! But, I’m very thankful I get to be in the same place as so many famous authors, agents and editors – as well as other aspiring writers like me.