PNWA End of Day 2


So, J and I both pitched today during the Power Pitch sessions. A Power Pitch session is basically a giant cattle call with about 150 of your closest non-friends and 50 or so agents. You line up behind the marker for the agent you want, and when you get to the front of the line, you pitch for your life in three minutes.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I was lucky enough to pitch seven times in an hour and a half. I went for the gusto and first pitched to the only agent who rejected me last year. She is very sweet, but it was a ‘no’ on this project as well. Thankfully she gave me a few pointers on my pitch while we waited for our turn to end. Her help was greatly appreciated, and I think really made the rest of my pitches go much better.

Of the next six agents that I spoke with, five asked for pages (that means sending them 50 or so pages of your book. Pages. Get it?). Anywho, one of the agents who asked to see it was from Writers House. SQUEE. I know, right? I can’t tell you how much I love the list at Writers House. So, we’ll see how she likes the work.

So, to recap: No puking, no hysterical giggling, and almost no shaking while pitching. Almost. Did you know I touch my hair a lot while talking? And run my hands nervously up and down my arms? And fidget? Apparently I do. Oh well.

J also did really well. Five of the six agents she pitched asked for pages! Congrats, J!

Tomorrow, we get to do the same thing all over. Wish us luck!

And, because I can’t resist the LOL Cat funnies, a representative pick for today: