Author Signings at PNWA

Hey everyone, guess what? I was able to get two books signed at the autograph party tonight at PNWA!

The first book was by the lovely Marissa Meyer, author of Cinder. I’ve reviewed it before, so check it out below. She’s local and super nice.

The second book signed was by Kimberly Derting. The title is The Pledge. I can hardly wait to read it.

Both authors spoke at a great panel on the Young Adult market. It was interesting to hear their views on following trends (dont!), writing from the opposite sex’s point of view, and how to plot series.

This is just another great reason to attend the PNWA conference, even if it means you have to take off time from work. Sorry, ACME Co. You get to meet real-life authors who are really doing what you dream to someday do – publish novels.

Also speaking at the event was Richelle Mead, author of the Vampire Academy series. I don’t really read those kinds of books, but she was so nice and had so many great things to say, I wanted to link to her work: