End of PNWA Day 3

That’s it folks, it’s all over. I’ve pitched to numerous agents, had quite a few page requests, and even was able to pitch to Tom Clancy’s editor! For real, Tom Clancy’s editor! The agents were wonderful as well.

J and I even ate dinner with Tom Clancy’s editor. He works for Penguin, and I won’t name him here, but he was very kind.

Thankfully, I only made one really horrible gaffe.

During the pitching sessions you get a little, how shall we say, dizzy. There are so many agents, editors, a hundred and twenty or more other writers all jockeying around the room.

I really wanted to pitch to this particular agent who seemed very nice and was acquiring in my genre. I waited in a short line, and when it was my turn, I stepped up to the plate. I smiled, shook her hand, and she smiled.

“I think we’ve done this before.”

Um, yeah. Turns out I tried to pitch to the same agent twice. Oops! She was very nice about it, thankfully. I still feel like a doofus. Oh well 🙂

And, as almost always, a representative LOL Cat:


3 thoughts on “End of PNWA Day 3

  1. D.C.C. Mealy Post author

    Thanks guys! I’m really excited about it. I’m working on polishing up the pages for the hundredth time right now!

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