Notes Passed at a Workshop

So J and I were listening to a great speaker about building your author platform, describing yourself in one sentence…you get the drift.

J wrote a note, and passed it to me with all the slyness of a bad math student. The following is an excerpt of our notes back and forth:

J: If I was a wine, I would be: fruity, bubbly, soft on the palate.

Me: Full Bodied*

*snort from J*

J: You: (Your writing!!) Dry, crisp, has a nice bite.

Me: That’s what he said.

*snorts from J that make our tablemates look at us funny*


*For the record, J is adorable and has a most enviable figure, so full-bodied was meant as a nice compliment. 🙂 I don’t want it to sound wrong!


3 thoughts on “Notes Passed at a Workshop

  1. D.C.C. Mealy Post author

    You’re welcome J 🙂 I didn’t realize it sounded bad until after I said it, and I don’t want it to sound mean!

    Anne, I’m always appropriate. ALWAYS. Especially at work.

    Stop laughing.

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