Shows I love

Okay, I know it’s cheesy, but I’m in love with Once Upon a Time! My friend Anne swore it was great, and sure enough she’s right. I blasted through the first season in Netflix this past month, just in time to watch the season premiere this past Sunday. Yay!

What shows do you love? Have you caught the fairy tale bug yet and given in to Once Upon a Time? Even the guys will like it, what with such pretty princesses to watch.

And FYI, my favorite character is Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin:

1 thought on “Shows I love

  1. Anne

    So glad you liked the show! Have to agree that Mr Gold/Rumplestiltskin is one of the best characters. I saw some interview on the DVDs about how he came upon the voice for Rumplestiltskin and lol. He basically picked up the voice listening to his 6-year old walk around the house talking to himself. 😛

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