The Casual Vacancy

The Casual Vacancy

Okay, did you buy it? Don’t lie. Seriously. I bet you did, even if it doesn’t sound at all like something you would read because there is a teeny-tiny-ridiculously-false-hope that Harry Potter might somehow make an appearance.

I know, I know. He’s not there. JKR has said it like a billion times. But, still. I’m hoping there will be that same magic (pun!) to this book that made me fall in love with the Harry Potter series.

I’m not going to lie, this doesn’t look like a book I would normally read. Where’s the dystopia? Where’s the teen angst? What, no magic?! But, I bought it and I’m going to read it. Maybe someone will at least curse someone else.

Are you going to read it?

2 thoughts on “The Casual Vacancy

  1. Anne

    As much as I love JKR I don’t think I’ll read this one. Doesn’t seem like the type of books I normally read (magic, angst, romance, historical being my main flavors). You’ll have to let us all know how it is!

  2. Heidi

    I read it, actually, let me clarify, I read half of it. Hated it. Seriously, not good. Not good at all…

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